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Professional Licensure Disclosure Statements

按照联邦要求并作为州授权互惠协议的参与机构, Pima Community College provides public and direct Professional Licensure Disclosure Statements as applicable.


这些学术项目负责人也负责确认在学院的列表中列出的信息的准确性 Professional Licensure by State Table.


所需的公开专业执照披露声明已公布,并可通过学院的学生获得 Consumer Information webpage.

Reason for this Process


Professional Licensure Disclosure Statements: 学院公开提供信息(“公开专业执照披露声明”)或直接通知学生(“直接专业执照披露声明”)某一特定学术星际官方赌钱是否符合适用的专业执照教育要求(i.e., meets, does not meet, or has not been determined) where the College operates in the various states, the District of Columbia, or specified U.S. territories.


  1. Scope and Applicability

    This process applies to all instructional divisions that offer programs, regardless of modality or the geographic location where offered, that upon completion may reasonably be assumed to lead to professional licensure.

  2. Terminology

    1. The term “professional licensure” refers to professional licensure or certification.
    2. 术语“覆盖星际官方赌钱”是指学院提供的学术星际官方赌钱,准学生或在校生可以合理地认为成功完成该星际官方赌钱将满足学生所在州适用的专业执照教育要求.
    3. The term “state” refers to any of the fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and to specified U.S. territories where the College offers academic programs.

  3. Professional Licensure Disclosure Statements

    1. Public Disclosures

      a. 学院有义务向未来和目前入学的学生披露其学术星际官方赌钱是否符合学生所在州的专业执照或认证的教育要求. Accordingly, academic officials administering such programs, and who serve as content experts, will annually conduct research, and document the research process, to determine if their academic program meets, does not meet, or a determination has not been made regarding state requirements for professional licensure. 根据34 CFR Part 668规定的联邦监管要求,学院必须提供公开披露.43(a)(5)(v) and described in Section 5.2 of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements Manual. Qualifying programs are listed in the Professional Licensure by State Table webpage.

      b. Professional Licensure Disclosure Statements are published and made available via the College’s Student Consumer Information webpage. For College programs that may reasonably be assumed to lead to professional licensure, these disclosures will indicate the states where the College has determined through reasonable, 这些项目是否符合适用的专业执照教育要求,或者学院尚未做出这样的决定.

    2. Direct Disclosures

      a. 学院确保适当的直接的专业执照披露声明在学生注册一个涵盖的项目之前及时传递给个别学生,当:

            i. The College cannot determine whether the covered program meets the applicable professional licensure education requirements where the student is located; and

            ii. 学院确定所涵盖的星际官方赌钱不符合学生所在地区适用的专业执照教育要求.

      b. 学院根据34 CFR 668规定的联邦监管要求及时传送所需的直接专业执照披露声明.第43(c)条规定,如果学院认定某项涵盖的星际官方赌钱不符合学生所在地区适用的专业执照教育要求,或者学院尚未做出这样的认定,则向新录取和当前入学的学生发放.

      c. 当新录取或当前入学学生所在的覆盖项目不再满足适用的专业执照教育要求时,学院将向受影响的学生发送所需的直接专业执照披露声明. 这必须在学生通知学院他们搬迁到一个不符合适用的专业执照披露要求的州后的十四(14)个日历天内进行.

  4. Maintaining the Professional Licensure by State Table

    1. Academic officials provide updates to the College’s Professional Licensure by State Table annually.

  5. Collection and Dissemination of Student Location

    1. In accordance with the federal regulatory requirements set forth in 34 CFR 600.9, 学院确定和跟踪所有学生在每个学期或学期的位置,并向所涵盖的项目学术负责人提供必要的数据,以提供在此过程中规定的专业执照披露声明.

  6. Compliance

    学院将尽一切努力履行在此过程中所规定的专业执照披露声明. 流程失败将在内部进行审查,并将根据适用的皮马社区学院员工政策采取行动.

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*Disclaimer: all documents, links, 或本流程附录中包含的其他材料仅供用户方便使用,不属于学院正式流程的一部分.

Distance Education students residing outside the state of Arizona who have completed PCC's internal institutional grievance process may appeal non-instructional complaints to the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4).

亚利桑那州SARA委员会对亚利桑那州SARA批准的机构就远程教育学生的非教学投诉具有管辖权. Upon completion of the institution’s and AC4’s complaint process, a student may register a complaint with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process website for more information.

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